Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blog Beginnings!

My name is Carlie. I married my best friend on September 17, 2011. I wore a lovely white dress and had the wedding of my dreams on my in-law's farm, and danced the night away in a barn. I've always been an active individual, a lover of the outdoors, and a person slightly obsessed with food. Ever heard the saying, "I live to eat, not eat to live" -- yeah, I lived by that for a while. Never purposely trying to hurt my health by eating the wrong foods, I really just actively chose to eat what I enjoyed eating. I am now 50 lbs lighter than I was when I got married just 6 1/2 months ago AND I still enjoy eating.

This journey began after the wedding because I feared that stepping into a weight-loss program while planning a wedding would simply be too stressful. Now, that line of thinking seems like a total cop-out. I had heard somewhere that starting a new diet at the beginning of a month aids success, so I started Weight Watchers on October 1, 2011. I nearly crapped myself flipped when I saw the number on the scale when I weighed in for the first time. Never having been a fan of scales anyway, this was not in the least bit encouraging. It wasn't until the second weigh-in that I received my encouragement badge -- SO worth having to look down at those digital numbers from hell.

Like any adventure, this one has had its share of cliches -- ups and downs, twists and turns -- you get the picture. It's also ongoing. I am learning new things about this lifestyle, and myself, every single day. For instance, I plan to share my weight in this blog. *GASP* Yes, my numbers...for anyone to see. Would I have done this 6 1/2 months ago? Hahaha, NO. Understand that I did not start to lose weight to please anyone. I did not lose weight to prove anything to anyone else, only to myself. I wanted to get healthy, and I am enjoying the changes my body (I've always loved shopping!).

So, I invite you to join me in traveling along the path of self-acceptance and eagerness to succeed in whatever goal you have in mind. Please bring a sense of humor and leave behind any judginess. 

Beginning Weight: 220 lbs
Pants Size: 18
Dress Size: 16

Current Weight: 170 lbs
Pants Size: 12
Dress size: 10


  1. This makes me smile and is so very inspirational!! Exactly what I needed after a binge of ice cream and not being sure that I can stick with weight loss!! Great Job and Thank you!!!

  2. I love that you have decided to blog about your journey. I hope to start on my own weight loss journey very soon and I hope that I can do half as well as you have. Great job and I look forward to reading more.

  3. Carlie, I am so proud of you. You are my inspiration to stay healthy and to continue working out. You are such a strong and motivated woman - I really admire that. You are a role model for women.
