Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Support -- great for bras AND weight loss!

For the gals out there with a sincere appreciation for a good bra -- you know the importance of support and comfort.  Think of what it feels like when you throw on an old one with stretched out elastic.  Funny how that undergarment can make you feel less attractive and uncomfortable, right?  Well, that's pretty much how I feel about support from loved ones in my weight loss journey.

I am so fortunate to have an outstanding support system.  I chose to start this journey on my own, but I could never have achieved the success I've had without the encouragement, the kind words, and the simple reminders I have received from my loved ones.

At work one day, a member of the Country Club said, "Carlie, you look absolutely fabulous!  You're husband must feel like he's got a brand new wife!"  I laughed a little, thanked her for the compliment, and walked away feeling sort embarrassed...and ashamed.  I got really upset with myself for waiting until AFTER the wedding to start losing weight.  I was just angry about how I had completely let myself go.  The idea that my husband might have ever thought me less attractive at my heaviest simply broke my heart, even though this was never the case.

As I've said before, this weight loss journey started for me.  It is still for me.  But I've gotta say, it's been a great experience for both of us.  Charlie hasn't gotten a new wife -- he's still just got me.  But he does have a more confident, more energetic, and much happier me.  We both appreciate this.

Charlie is so honest, so loving, and so supportive of all of my endeavors (like learning to play the banjo, writing more poetry, etc).  My mother and my in-laws are understanding and full of great advice.  My friends are all of this AND they love to celebrate.  How blessed am I to have all of this?

It's true...my family and friends are the Spanx of all undergarments.

Monday, May 14, 2012

I haven't actually disappeared...

Wow, I cannot believe the way time passes when life is just somersaulting from month to month.  My wonderful mother-in-law mentioned to me over a week ago that I've been away from this blog and that she and her Weight Watchers group were wondering where the heck I'd gone off to.  Well, I'm back!  And I need this.  Badly.  Because unfortunately, I am without a whole lot of great weight-loss news.

The week before last, I was down one pound, putting me at 164.  The poundage is coming off soooo muuuuuuch mooooooore slooooooooooooowly right now, but I understand it as my body letting me know that I set a realistic goal.  Since that weigh-in, work has been absolutely insane.  As a Youth Activities Coordinator with Summer Camp just around the corner, it's just been a little hectic.  And the weekend following that one-pound loss was a bit more party-rific than it should have been.  I felt entitled, like I was allowed to let loose or to wind-down.  This, to some extent, is okay.  But I went out of control.

And last weigh-in, I found that I gained .7 lbs right back.  4.7 lbs to go.

Sure, I was disappointed.  I wasn't expecting loss, but was less than thrilled with gaining nearly a full pound back.  But I certainly didn't dwell on it.  This is when it's important to understand to accept what I cannot change and change what I cannot accept.  I can't time travel back to that Friday night margarita and queso Mexi-fest with friends.  We had a fabulous time!  But my body has taught me that I can have a an insanely good time without going out of control with food and drinks.  My brain has taught me that I cannot accept failing in this journey.  I've made it this far and there are no excuses not to keep it up.

A great rule that I need to embrace more thoroughly is to avoid drinking calories/points.  Or at least set a cap on drinkable points per day. Crystal light is my best friend...and Mio!  Water is absolutely essential in losing weight.

Maybe a part of me stayed away from the blog because I didn't want to have to confront the weight gain by letting everyone know.  I'm not entirely sure...but I know that I am not ashamed.  There's was a serious sense of pride and joy when I lost the first 5, 10,  20 pounds.  I can say I've lost over 50 now.  That pride still resonates and reminds me that I am in control.  We are in control. We can make the changes to things we will not accept.