Monday, May 14, 2012

I haven't actually disappeared...

Wow, I cannot believe the way time passes when life is just somersaulting from month to month.  My wonderful mother-in-law mentioned to me over a week ago that I've been away from this blog and that she and her Weight Watchers group were wondering where the heck I'd gone off to.  Well, I'm back!  And I need this.  Badly.  Because unfortunately, I am without a whole lot of great weight-loss news.

The week before last, I was down one pound, putting me at 164.  The poundage is coming off soooo muuuuuuch mooooooore slooooooooooooowly right now, but I understand it as my body letting me know that I set a realistic goal.  Since that weigh-in, work has been absolutely insane.  As a Youth Activities Coordinator with Summer Camp just around the corner, it's just been a little hectic.  And the weekend following that one-pound loss was a bit more party-rific than it should have been.  I felt entitled, like I was allowed to let loose or to wind-down.  This, to some extent, is okay.  But I went out of control.

And last weigh-in, I found that I gained .7 lbs right back.  4.7 lbs to go.

Sure, I was disappointed.  I wasn't expecting loss, but was less than thrilled with gaining nearly a full pound back.  But I certainly didn't dwell on it.  This is when it's important to understand to accept what I cannot change and change what I cannot accept.  I can't time travel back to that Friday night margarita and queso Mexi-fest with friends.  We had a fabulous time!  But my body has taught me that I can have a an insanely good time without going out of control with food and drinks.  My brain has taught me that I cannot accept failing in this journey.  I've made it this far and there are no excuses not to keep it up.

A great rule that I need to embrace more thoroughly is to avoid drinking calories/points.  Or at least set a cap on drinkable points per day. Crystal light is my best friend...and Mio!  Water is absolutely essential in losing weight.

Maybe a part of me stayed away from the blog because I didn't want to have to confront the weight gain by letting everyone know.  I'm not entirely sure...but I know that I am not ashamed.  There's was a serious sense of pride and joy when I lost the first 5, 10,  20 pounds.  I can say I've lost over 50 now.  That pride still resonates and reminds me that I am in control.  We are in control. We can make the changes to things we will not accept.

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