Wednesday, April 4, 2012


It's not a secret -- I absolutely LOVE shopping.  There are not many things that get me more giddy than when I walk out of a store with a brand new pair of jeans!  or pair of shoes! or sweater!  Even when I had gained all the weight, I enjoyed shopping.  But now, I love it so much that it's nearly a problem!

People laugh when I say things like, "Man, I'm going to have to buy a new pair of pants."  They laugh because it seems like such a silly "problem" to have to put up with while losing weight.  It's only a "problem" because I already have the shopping appetite of a 1980's mall rat.  Never having the need for much (if any) of an excuse to shop, dropping sizes is like a drug...I just have to have more clothes!  Clothes that fit!

I'm getting better about setting guidelines for my shopping addiction, and I'm certainly not robbing my husband or myself of our savings.  It's just so much fun to see what I can fit into now!

I've been motivated to get healthy.  That's how this whole thing began.  But now, I'm totally motivated by setting limitations to my shopping habit -- if I hit a certain goal, I am allowed to buy a certain thing I need.  I own shorts now!  Shorts!  Rarely if EVER did I wear shorts last summer (or ever, once again) and in Dallas, that's TOUGH.  I was ashamed of my legs and how awful I looked in shorts.  Also, I hated how much my thighs would rub together so much that my shorts would creep up into...well, that's enough of that because I think you get the picture.  So I got away with wearing jersey skirts for the most part, but that doesn't keep your thighs from rubbing.  Oh, the heat rash!!  Yowzers!

Anyway, I bring all of this up because not everything about weight has to be about health and numbers.  It can be about finding an outfit to show off a new sense of security.  Wearing a two-piece bathing suit.  Fitting into a dress you wore on your first date.  After all, nothing is more sexy than confidence, so if you've got it, love it!

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